Saturday, October 25, 2008

Mavis Beacon isn't real!

(Ok... so I wrote this the other day, and I tried to post it, but it wouldn't work... so just remember, everything I said is a few days old. =) And.. I don't have time to put captions with the pictures right now... housework and all. and we might be goin out for John's birthday too.. oh yeah! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JOHN!)
Much to my surprise, and I must say, dismay, Rachael has informed me that Mavis Beacon actually isn't a real person... they made her up. I feel so hurt and deceived... I mean, I thought I could trust Mavis. She encouraged me, when I failed typing tests. She listened to me when I yelled at the computer, again, when I failed typing tests. And she never yelled at me for looking down at the keys instead of typing by memory. We were so close, Mavis and I. And now, to think she's not even real.
ok ok, I'm done.
I don't know what that was all about... :-/ ;)
So yeah! Life's goin good... just eeeeeeeeeeeagerly awaiting the arrival of ALL of my family. Well, I mean... all of my siblings and their families. =D Eeeek, I can't wait! (ooh something smells like fried chicken! oh dear)
The Hacklers have been here for two weeks and one day already! :O :O :O I can't believe how fast it's gone by. It's been sooo lovely. =) At first, it was just shocking, but after a couple seconds it was like they'd never left at all. Well, mostly. ;) But anyway, it's fabulous, and I'm so thankful to God for working it all out. We've had prayer meeting two times now... and it's great. =)
Ang and Rach are still trying to get work... it didn't work out at Safeway for a certain position... but the front end manager (or somebody) said that if a cashier position opens up, Ang is at the top of the list. So Lord willing something will open up, if not at Safeway... somewhere. We still haven't heard back from Rosauers (another grocery store) about Rach working there. So if y'all could pray for all that, that'd be awesome.
Oooh, while we were on a walk yesterday morning... we found a very cute house for rent. It looks like a 2 (maaaaaybe 3) bedroom house... WITH a finished basement, though. We peaked inside the windows, of course. ;) So Ang gave them a call and left a message, and we haven't heard back yet. It's pretty close to us, which would be really awesome. We live on the corner of 20th St. and 11th Ave, and that house is on 15th Ave and 11th St, if you can picture that.
And now to the main point of my post, which I am shamefully late in attending to. ;)
We looked at the house Larry and Jen are going to rent Lord willing, when the get here. And it's SOO GREAT. He's painting the walls inside, and I must say, he has great taste in color. I didn't get very good or very many pictures... they certainly don't do the house justice. BUT, it is something.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Guacamole it is

As you see, from my poll (with all SIX people voting, hehe), guacamole is the best. The bomb diggity. Creme de la creme. Mucho quatorse excellante? Oh yeah.
Well, life has been just fine and dandy, with the Hacklers here now!! YAY! I must say, they're an awful (but oh so very fun) distraction from my school and work. Quite a welcome one, to be sure. ;)
But, this has got to be very quick, cuz it's very late and I have to get up very early so I can get very much done in my school and work and be done very early in the afternoon........ I'm feeling very extreme right now.
But news... yes news. Ang has an interview with Safeway tomorrow morning! Praise the Lord! And, for anyone who doesn't know... Dad and I are both working for Justin presently... and Lord willing more in the future. I'm typing up a book that Justin wants to publish and Dad is doing the editing of my typing. Hehe, makes you a little nervous having your dad do the editing of your work. " /:-\ Am I doing it right? Making too many mistakes? Aah!" But he said I was doing good work, so that's comforting. ;)
I'm sure I could think of something else to say, but I really have to go. But I'll post a picture along with this. It's old... but I just can't bring myself to post without a picture. I'll be taking pictures soon.... yes. I will. Lord willing. But I am very determined. hehe.
Love you all!!

A little something we like to call... Polish Sunbathing.

Monday, October 6, 2008


Oh, goodness. Don't you just love this song? If you can't hear anything... turn your volume up. Oh, it just makes me so happy inside. hehe. Before a few months ago... this song didn't mean half as much to me as it does now... so I shall tell you why. ;) When Jen's house was on the market... someone had the great idea of making a slideshow of pictures of the house to play on my laptop while people would be looking at the house... which ended up being pictures of the house, pictures of cute little girly-poos, pictures of flowers, pictures of Josh and Emmy in the pool. Stuff like that. So I got the privilege of putting it all together... and putting it to the song L-O-V-E by Nat King Cole.... arranging and rearranging the pictures to match certain parts of the song (the lyrics, instrumental climax, and all that). hehe, Needless to say MUCH time was spent on it. ;) And, needless to say I heard that song a gajillion times. Also needless to say, whenever I hear that song, I think of all the pictures in the slide. And I love those pictures, and I miss being there with my family... so yeah. I love this song. It like, instantly sends me home. *sigh* Feeling nostalgiac. ;) Oh, I pray God lets us all be together soon.
Speaking of being together, Ang and the gang (well, most of the gang) will be here DAY AFTER TOMORROW. I can't even begin to say how excited I am. Like... exclamations marks DON'T cut it. I've never in my life been as... well, isolated, as I am now. And especially not from my family. And I definitely consider Ang family... so this is really... psycherific.
Speaking of family... I know this is SHAMEFULLY late... but, as they say, hey at least it's not a month late. No, I they say, better late than never.
So let's see, about 4 days ago... the very most special lady in my life had a birthday. And she would be my Mama. =D There are so many things to say about her, it's hard to know where to begin.
My mom is the most hard-working woman I've ever known. Rain or shine, she works. She works when she's exhausted; when she should be laying down cuz her back's out; in the morning when she should still be sleeping but she "just couldn't sit still any longer!", so she goes outside and weeds the garden, or makes a beautiful rock ridge around the garden, or makes a new garden entirely!; not only does she work when she's depressed, when she is, she works because she's depressed (imagine the amount of work this woman does! it's practically incomprehensible); and finally, she works even when you think there's no other work she could possibly come up with. But she does. =) And she does it well. She does it for her family. And most importantly, she does it to the glory of God, whom she loves with all her heart. As you may know, as a younger girl and through most of my teenage years, I've certainly not been the picture of diligence. Nope, on the contrary. But my Mom and her beautiful example has inspired me and convicted me so often to be hard-working. And I thank God for that, because slothfulness is such a shame to Him. It's ungratefulness, cuz we should be serving Him with every ounce of strength in our being. So if I turn out to be half as godly and devoted as my Mom is... I'll be very thankful.
My Mom is still absolutely in love with my Dad, and has given much for him, and will always give for him.
She loves her children with all her heart. All. Her. Heart. I can't emphasize it enough. If you were living with her right now, being away from most of her children, you might begin to understand what I mean. =) And it's a wonderful thing, how she loves us!
She loves the Lord and serves Him with her heart, soul, mind and strength. She loves to spend time with Him, and talk about Him.
She's a comfort, she's an inspiration, she's a motivator, she's hilarious, she's just adorable, she's a home-maker, she's a good "shaper-upper" (when you need it:> ), plain old fun... and well, she's just a great Mom. And I love her to pieces! In the words of Abrams (from Chariots of Fire, great movie), she is "my most perfect" woman. =)
So, Happy Birthday to a Wonderful Woman!!!!!!! All my love, Mama!