"...one obscure, amateur naturalist who visited a tiny group of islands in the South Pacific, and observed a little population of finches, gave us modern science." [
http://www.visionforum.com/hottopics/blogs/dwp/ ] Ooh man, I love that. Darwin is so revered today among secular scientists.... which is most scientists... and that quote is just so... not flattering. =D I love it.
Some pictures! Finally. =D
Cool Qote on Darwin!! It's so sad that some "Christian" churches celebrated his birthday.
OH THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for posting those pictures!!! WE LOVE THEM!! We always gather around and comment. hehehe
Some comments that were made:
"Wow, he has some teeth out!"
"Who is that?" "That's Addie."( she sure is growing up and getting rid of that baby face. So stinkin' pumpkiness).
"Oh......he's shooting a guuUUn!"
"That's the apron I want for my birthday!" (little does she know:P) (Thanks for posting her with her apron!!! It looks so sweet on her. awwwww!).
"I see Mom Mom, today." (Kennedy)
"Oh, look at that! (referring to the carpet flooring the kids all love. hahah, they'll not have that b/c Murray is their dad.:P )
I LOVE the collage, too! Great work, Gal! I also LOVE seeing what the fam. is up to in the background. tehehehe And such memories with that little toy bat. I know it was Josh's but I remember it more with Naters. Such a great teething toy. If only I could find something similar. Okay, sorry for all the comments........;)
OKAY.........Time to blog again, Girl!!!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE these pics and quotes and stuff.......but we need more More MORE!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D:D
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