Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Well... I was planning on posting some really cute pics of the kids... but my computer has stolen them and will not tell me where they are. SO frustrating! But I'll post what remains.
So life's been insanely busy, yada yada. :P Larry and Jen accepted an offer on the house! So we'll be leaving for Idy on Sept. 8th. Pretty freaky, man.
Haha, I'm so annoyed at my pics being lost I can't even think of anything to say. :P
Let's see.... I've gotten pretty far on crocheting the blanket for Mitchum. Which is pretty cool, cuz I've never made anything this big before. Ooh, and I learned how to knit! Yay it's so fun. Weird and different, but pretty fun.
Aaw we got rid of Buddy today. Very sad very sad.
Well, I'm gonna git... will post something more interesting soon I'm sure. ;)

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